Getting ready…

Did you read my post about cleaning out? I’ll wait… come on, click the link, read and come back…I have something very important to ask you.

 Are you going to join in this February?  

I wanted to share my plans for the month with you.  Each and every day I will post, via my Instagram (go follow me!) an item I am taking out of our house.  I will use the hashtag #simplifyfeb.  Each week, I will post here on the blog some tips, ideas, suggestions on specific areas in our homes.  Getting organized is also a component with this project, but it should only involve items we already own!  Also during the month, I will be posting exclusive tips and/or links over at my Facebook page.

Comment if you will be joining me!  Comment some things you might like to see!  Comment that you can’t commit to everyday, but you’ll do one a week!  Comment that you think I am crazy, but you are going to stick around to see what happens 😉


One thought on “Getting ready…

  1. I LOVE purging my closets! I’m definitely in. I doubt I’ll end up posting everyday, but maybe I can remember to take a picture once a week, or I can put everything in a huge pile and take a picture of how big it is at the end of the month. I have a head start – I already put some old shower curtains and an unused, super cheap, not worth saving curtain rod in the guest room. Why do I have this stuff lying around? Coming up with 28 items to get rid of will NOT be a problem. 🙂

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